Really the update page. I like the word "random", deal with it.

I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm dedicating myself entirely to getting a new layout. So far, it's not too different from this one, but even a slight change will keep my from gauging my eyeballs out. I'm going to make little graphics for each subpage, which is what's really slowing me down. I uploaded a crap load of new art, the majority being school assignments, but you won't see any of it until the new layout goes up >P Soon soon soon, I swear. Before I leave for Japan, at least...


This is a follow-up to the previous update, that thing I mentioned about the site's situation. I spent a good two minutes writing this notice, so please go and read it. I would have posted it here, but it sounds more important if it gets its own page. No new pictures, sorry, although I've been drawing up a storm. Also, I really, really tried making a new layout, but I failed miserably. I'm truly sorry about that, because if I hate this layout, you guys must be dying. I got rid of the green, at least...


Tripod finally stopped being a bitch and let me update. New pictures in all galleries, and the comic section finally came into exisistence O_o This layout is making me gag. I have a little news that will serious affect this site, but I have to leave it for the weekend, because I have to go work on a US History paper.


My false update was better than this one. Three new pictures, that's it. My computer hasn't been working as of late, then Tripod was being a pain, so this update is a little late. This layout is driving me insane. I hate it, it's ugly, and it makes me feel claustrophobic. I don't know if that means a new layout is approaching, or if I'll just work through my issues because I'm too lazy to be bothered with it. I hate making layouts >_<


Wondering what I meant by false update? Well, I've had a pretty uninspired two weeks, therefore, I have no new images to put up in the galleries. So, to try to keep my updates regular, I took some old pictures and posted them. In my twisted mind, that makes the update false. Actually, two of the pictures were done yesterday (nikko02.jpg and misc06.jpg). I'm practicing with Photoshop, it's not going well.


Added comments in the galleries, on accoun'a I'm on holiday. God bless election day. I felt I needed to make my presence known on this site. It was so depressing and lonely with just an intro and sketches. Not that my stupid commentary fills that void...


The new layout is reaching it's completion. Is it ugly? Yes. Is it navigatable? Double yes. That was my main concern. I know I'm no good at html, so I figured, better plain than hideous. I think that makes sense...

Aside from the layout, there's new stuff in the galleries and a links page. God, is that all? I've been working on this crap all day, and that's all I've got. I inked the first page of my comic, and it was a complete disaster. I had no idea inking would be the hardest part of making the damn thing. It's so ugly it's embarassing. I might not ink the rest of it, just outline heavily and shade (no screentones! ^O^) Agree? Disagree? Anyone?